Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Something Special for Me

Today I was watching my two boys play out in the back yard. My very sweet little four year old brings me this single white flower (weed if you want to be technical :)) and says "here mom, a flower cause your sick." I thought it was the sweetest thing. This boy has seen his father bring me lots of flowers over the years and is sweet to me just the same. I haven't had a voice around here for a few days and the kids don't know quite what to think. :)

Much to my surprise, here comes my one year old son and hands me the top of this yellow flower...yes our yard is covered in weeds. But beautiful weeds to me today. He handed it to me all proud of himself. I was trying to take a picture of the flower and he slipped his chubby little hand in there. Right after this was taken, he picks up the glass and throws it on the concrete. Yes...it broke. THought I would share.

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