Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Family Bluebonnets

This family was a lot of fun and had me smiling...swatting mosquitos in between every shot :) and I found the husbands commentary to be quite entertaining. Little Miss up above loves to have her picture taken! Mama is a big time scrapbooker and never misses a moment so we had no problems getting her to smile at the camera. The lighting was perfect. This field is beautiful!!!! And I love the outfits!


Check out this pretty field...filled with Bluebonnets and Indian Paint Brushes!


I always love a good "off in the distance" shot!


Just cute! Pictures like these are great to remember how little your kids were. Daddy's litte girl right here!



So sweet! Perfect for Mother's Day coming up! This pose...moms idea. :)




Who wouldn't love a picture like this with your dad?

Our lighting was sort of disappearing fast but we both loved this street and the trees....I had to post just to show something that I love about Texas....Trees and country roads. :)


Of course I had to share a couple in antique finish. Thank you to "the husband" for cooperating for this bottom picture. :) I loved how it turned out. And thank you for the info on rattle snakes. I will , from now on, pass through fields with much more caution!


Thank you for the wonderful time!


Anonymous said...

What an adorable family! You really have an eye for the perfect shot! Cant wait to see mine! I know you got all of the things that I look for!

Mimi said...

I loved all of these shots...nice family for the photographing too. Bluebonnets have to be a "regular" spring shot you use every year...they really make it gorgeous!