Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Mother and her Boys


This is another "Mother's Day" session I did of a dear friend and her two sons. I was excited to try out this new location that I've had my eye on. I wanted to get some of course of mama with her boys , and some of the brothers, an individual of each and some of their pretty mama. And here are a few of my favorites...


I loved this kandid shot of both brothers. They look like best friends!


The youngest.


The oldest. We had a heck of a time trying to get this boy to NOT smile for the camera. He'd have a straight face for two seconds before he broke out into a huge grin. This big grin is what is so cute about him. Photobucket

Heres the pretty mama. Who doesn't need a picture, by themself?




And there you have it...two cute boys, not smililng for me. Lol. This is one of their mother's favorite poses. :)

I had a great time! Sorry about the wind...even though I think everyone looks great. And thank you boys for bearing with me!


Anonymous said...

I was so not expecting to see my own photos up here on your blog, but you picked all of my faves! Thanks again for doing them! Love them SOOOO

Mimi said...

Beautiful Amanda! I love all of these of you and your boys. I'm sure one day they will love to have these of you with them. Very sweet!