Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cinthia's Bridal Session, Cleburne Texas Wedding Photographer

Congratulations to C&R on getting married today! I was excited to finally post these pictures after holding on to them for six weeks. We had a fun session moving around to various locations with our caravan and trying out new things. I always love getting a good one of JUST the ring. Photobucket
Down below, is the image that Cinthia picked to have blown up for her wedding reception. LOVE this country look in the sunset. :) I plan on visiting here again!Photobucket


So much of what makes a wedding fun to photograph ...besides the beautiful people of course, are the tiny little details. And yes, that includes fingernail polish. :)Photobucket



Notice the car headed right for us. Lol. We were all okay. They actually stopped for us and enjoyed the view. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Thank you Cinthia for a wonderful session! I had so much fun. Congratulations again :)
PhotobucketOkay I had to show one more that really shows off her cathedral veil. :) So pretty.

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