Monday, August 2, 2010

Three Cute Kiddos


The mother of these adorable children called me asking for my assistance in taking a "good" picture of her three kids. She was worn out trying herself and seemed to feel a lot like I feel when trying to take pictures of my own three kids. Frustrated. I had a fun time, got entertained myself and I felt like I got a little work out when I was done chasing the youngest around. Thank you to MOM who helped me entertain and create smiles! :)! Here are some of my personal favs!

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I think these two pictures are funny. This is our second location...just across the street. The kids had already given me their best. I thought this is cute of them interacting and not actually posing for the camera. And down below you are able to witness the little one taking off. I had about about .5 seconds to snap a shot of all three of them before he was out of there. And there he goes. :)




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